Sunday 12 October 2014

Research on Genre

When writing my narrative I wanted to do some more research first, a website that helped me was Link to Website media studies website. I found that the genre I have chosen to do has:

  •  a high production value
  • a younger target audience
  • a mainstream production agency - Disney or Warners Studio
  • sometimes has an obsessive fan base - e.g. Twilight
  • a lot of merchandise 
  • often exaggerates life
  • use of primary colours - e.g. red, blue, yellow
  • high key lighting 
  • use of a green screen 
  • positive outcome 
  • simple and linear narrative 
  • Vladimir Propp's character theory can be applied
  • quite mystical 
  • often set in the past or in an imagined time period 

An image taken from 'Avatar' to show how a green screen adds the environment to a single person. In this example he is the only thing that is not in green for the effects. (Left)

However, another example in a film is in 'Alice in wonderland' where even some of the people and props are in green to have effects added later on. (Below)

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