Friday 17 October 2014

20th September - 17th October 2014

Blog Entry 2: Week Two to Week Four

So looking through at what I have done for the past few weeks, I have paid a lot of attention to theorists and doing research on my specific genre. By creating moodboards I have gone into further understanding of my genre and what aspects there are included in it. I have also started to do research on narrative structure not only on Todorov's theory and Levi-Strauss's theory but also looked on how it would be to write a narrative.

After getting feedback from my teacher on my blog's overall look I realized that the work that I had posted on my film trailer analysis and the work that I had done on theorists was not to a good enough standard, so have been going back and editing them to make them better. This has been quite difficult as I have been going back to do that whilst trying to keep up to date and complete my narrative work and start my storyboard, both which are needed to be finished by this next coming week.

I have started to do a surveymonkey to get some more feedback as Twitter and Facebook are not getting much feedback. My account is

Starting to look at filming I have sent an email to the vicar at the local church to ask if they are able to let me film and also sent an email to Shannon Barlow who I asked to play my main character, she will hopefully respond to my email as will the vicar and I will then go on to write my script and start to make plans on filming. If it turns out that I am not able to use this church, I will look on to other churches.

To understand my genre more I started to do some research on it, including looking up what sort of things I need to consider and have found that I need to consider quite a bit, here is a link to the blog entry which includes this Research On Genre.

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