Sunday, 14 September 2014

Star Image Theory: Richard Dyer

The Star Image Theory by Richard Dyer, he proposes that 'a star is an image not a real person that is constructed (as any other aspect of fiction is) out of a range of materials (e.g. advertising, magazines etc as well as films)'

By definition, his theory is the idea that icons and celebrities constructed by institutions for financial gain and target one specific audience/ group of people.

His theory can be broken down into 5 sections:

  1. the making of a star
  2. constructions 
  3. audience and institutions
  4. hegemony (cultural beliefs)
  5. character and personality 
If we were to use Lady Gaga as an example for a star image, she was constructed to have a uniques selling point, which was her sense of style, most remember her meat dress which she wore to the MTV Music Video Awards. 

Lady Gaga's image changed dramatically after she was signed to her record company and got a manager. 
As you can see the change from before she was signed to after in the images above. 

Lady Gaga's ideology and culture, because she has such a unique fashion sense, it makes any every day person hard to copy it, however you could say that this makes her fan base still popular, she is still portraying someone that some people would one day want to be like, copy and some idolize her for it. 

Some have to keep in mind when it comes to celebrities like Lady Gaga that they are created, before she was Lady Gaga she was Stephanie Germanotta, but everyone has come to know her as Lady Gaga, it is a persona that the industry has created for her. 

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