Wednesday 17 December 2014

Tutorial Information

Tutorial - Youtube

When it came to when I wanted to split my screen to show two different things happening at one time on my trailer, when I was using Adobe Premiere Elements, I had trouble working my way around doing it, so went on to Youtube and searched for a tutorial on how to show two things happening at one time through using a split screen. I then showed on my desktop screen the Youtube video and my project up on the screen and had two practice videos and done step-by-step of the clip. I think this worked out quite well, as it did work.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

9th December 2014

Blog Entry: 9th December 

Since my last diary entry, I have filmed the majority of my finished trailer, and am filming again today to get the last few scenes, I am also working on my magazine poster and film poster, these at the moment are just ideas, as I am currently researching the different magazines and posters. 

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Teaser Trailer

With my trailer, being something like a teaser trailer the expected length of it is a bit shorter, therefore without putting too much information out to the audience, you can still have the same effect on the audience with use of having a cliffhanger, use of sound and cutting. 

The recent Hunger Games 3: Mockingjay part 1 was released on November 19th 2014, the teaser trailer that was shown at the San Diego Comic Con was only 53 seconds, however this teaser trailer, that was just under a minute, built up an absolute storm on social networking, on Twitter hashtags (#) were being used left, right and center, a few examples being #Katniss4Eva #hangintree and the more obvious #HungerGames. The use of the teaser trailer is what starts the build-up for the trailer to come out, the momentum for the film to then come out is carried on through the full length trailer which is also only around 1 minute 50 seconds, keeps the momentum going until the film release in November.

Another example of a successful teaser trailer is the new Star Wars, the trailer which was released on Youtube and in 72 hours, the teaser trailer had over 40 million views. The teaser trailer was released on November 28th. The teaser trailer is 88 seconds long, many celebrities have tweeted about it, some included Simon Pegg who tweeted "The Star Wars trailer is awesome, right?!" Anna Kendrick who has a lot of followers due to her main role in Pitch Perfect tweeted "Star Wars! Language and emojis fail to express what's in my heart at this moment,". At the moment this teaser trailer of 88 seconds is currently the only trailer that is out for the film, The film is out 2015 so the full length trailer is most likely to be out beginning of next year. 

Anonymous Actor

So due to some problems with finding the time to film my younger actor due to other commitments, I have planned my script around this, during this week I am filming everyday and editing on Friday and doing some at the weekend, however due to me working both Saturday and Sunday this will possibly not be much time spent on it, so therefor be doing a lot during media lessons next week and free periods, I have changed my script so that the younger actor is only featured as an image. My trailer will be more of a teaser trailer and will not be too long, looking at the trailers that have been released in the last month and more recently, the length of them is much shorter than they used to be, so I will be making mine this sort of time length to fit in with the type of trailers that are out/ released now. 

This is the younger actor, this is an image taken quite recently of her, I will be asking my teachers how to include a still image into my trailer and how to make it the best I can. I have come up with new edits I am going to feature in my trailer, and due to my deadline being next Friday (12th December 2014) I am going to look on Youtube, as they have many editing tutorials to do with the software I will be using, this will help me work with the time that I have left and use it to an advantage. I am also going to look at other tutorials with the software and practice the use of them on other videos, to make sure that the footage of my original videos cannot be ruined or edited to be a certain way when I may need to change it before my final draft is to be completed.