Tuesday 18 November 2014

18th November 2014

Blog Entry: 18th November 

Over the last 5 days I have started to look at booking the main hall at my school, for my headteacher scene, this scene will be a short one, with the headteacher (Katie Morgans) talking to the 'students', however the 'students' will not be there, it is only a short clip, I have sent an email to Mrs Allen a member of staff at my school who organizes the use of the main hall, and asked to film at a certain time. 

I will also be getting Becky-Wynyard-Wright to play the part as the parent of the main character at the church location, and getting footage of the funeral, I will also be filming Evelyn Roberts for the news scene, these scenes will mix together, showing the news of the funeral and again the news.

Currently I am a bit worried about time, however am now starting to step it up and should have the footage all done by mid next week and start editing. Fortunately most of my actors are free around the same time as me, the only actor in my trailer and not in school is my younger main actor who I am still in touch with to get her part of the filming done. 

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