Monday 24 November 2014

24th November 2014

Blog Entry: 24th November 

Unfortunately due to bad weather on the 23rd, which is when I was meant to be filming my younger actor, there was very bad weather and too bad to film in, so am setting up another date with her to film, I have also moved forward the date that I am filming Evelyn Roberts, which will be tomorrow during my media lesson, I have done this because it is the only time she has a free lesson tomorrow, and would like to get her filming done as soon as possible. I want to get all my filming done by Sunday at latest. So will be making a timetable of my week to locate my time.  

Thursday 20 November 2014

Update of Timetable

This is the third time I have updated my timetable, it is really helpful when it comes to knowing what I need to do and have done, and look closer at the amount of time I have left to do it.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Location for filming the younger actor

I will be filming my younger actor on Sunday 23rd November and I will be taking more pictures of the location on the day and take into account weather, I am also going to be doing behind the scenes of every part of filming I do so if I have to re-film I know what I was thinking at the time, if I have any conversations with the actors I can go back and see what I said to them and think where I went from there. 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

18th November 2014

Blog Entry: 18th November 

Over the last 5 days I have started to look at booking the main hall at my school, for my headteacher scene, this scene will be a short one, with the headteacher (Katie Morgans) talking to the 'students', however the 'students' will not be there, it is only a short clip, I have sent an email to Mrs Allen a member of staff at my school who organizes the use of the main hall, and asked to film at a certain time. 

I will also be getting Becky-Wynyard-Wright to play the part as the parent of the main character at the church location, and getting footage of the funeral, I will also be filming Evelyn Roberts for the news scene, these scenes will mix together, showing the news of the funeral and again the news.

Currently I am a bit worried about time, however am now starting to step it up and should have the footage all done by mid next week and start editing. Fortunately most of my actors are free around the same time as me, the only actor in my trailer and not in school is my younger main actor who I am still in touch with to get her part of the filming done. 

Shannon Barlow's script reading

When I looked at the different people who I auditioned for acting as the main part, Shannon Barlow stood out, she has done a lot of acting during her time at school and now outside of school. Here is a video of her reading from a script, I done this to see how she is behind the camera when I just come up to her and ask her to read something that she has never read before. 

Friday 14 November 2014

Main Hall email

So after corresponding for around a week now, I have finally booked the main hall for the Friday 21st November, I have also recently sorted out filming my younger version of the main character. This will be happening on Sunday, unfortunately I work both Saturday and Sunday all day so have arranged to do this during my lunch break, this should be enough time although I have told my manager at work that I am filming and I have not worked with a younger person before so not entirely sure on how she will take directions.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Casting the main character

Becky Wynyard-Wright:

  • Year 13 - 17 years old 
  • Media student
Reasons for casting:
  • Becky is in my media class, and has most of the frees that I do. 
  • She matches the ideal look of the female in the genre.
  • Understands how to present herself when I would use different camera angles. 
  • Able to look through the work with me during a media class to see where we could improve. 

Shannon Barlow:

  • Year 13 - 17 years old
  • Drama student - took media studies in year 12
Reasons for casting:
  • Has been the lead role in the last two school plays.
  • Has been hired by the local theater (Wycombe Swam) to be the female lead role in their production of Footloose.
  • Knows how to play many different characters.
  • Able to understand and develop from directors ideas.
  • Matches the look for the female role, and also looks like the younger actress I will have.
  • Knows how I work in different situations, and understand what I imagine something to look like and how to develop it.
  • Is comfortable and confident in front of the camera.

Emma Barraclough:

  • Year 13 - 18 year old
  • Has not studied drama or media studies before
Reasons for casting:
  • Looks a lot like the younger actress that will feature in my film trailer
  • Matches the look of the female role in the genre
  • Takes directions well

Evelyn Roberts:

  • Year 13 - 17 year old
  • Has not studied drama or media studies before
Reasons for casting:
  • Again she matches the look of the female for this genre.
  • Studies photography so knows when something looks good or when she needs to move in a certain way.
  • She shares a lot of the same free periods that I do.

Tuesday Bramley:

  • Year 13 - 17 years old
  • Media student
Reasons for casting:
  • She also like the others matches the image for the female role in the genre.
  • Able to look through the work with me during a media class to see where we could improve. 
  • Since we are in the same media class again she knows how to represent herself on camera with use of camera angles.
  • She also has many free periods that I do, so can work during these together.

Emma Brockwell:

  • Year 13 - 18 years old
  • Has not studied drama or media studies before
Reasons for casting:
  • Matches the female image in the genre, if you look at the moodboards I have created I could see a link in their appearances.
  • Has been used in friends art work and videos, shows that she is used to direction and works with it.
  • She is comfortable in front of the camera and is relaxed.

Lauren Hallas:

  • Year 13 - 18 years old
  • Has not studied drama or media studies before
Reasons for casting:
  • Again she matches the look of the female for this genre.
  • Studies photography so knows when something looks good or when she needs to move in a certain way.
  • She shares a lot of the same free periods that I do.

Eleanor Coy:

  • Year 13 - 17 years old
  • Has not studied drama or media before
Reasons for casting:
  • Fits the look for the female role in the type of genre.
  • Has many of the same free periods that I have.
  • Knows how I work in an environment and when I tell her what to do, she knows and develops.

Melissa Perrin:

  • Year 13 - 17 years old
  • Studied media studies at AS level and studies Photography
Reasons for casting:
  • Again she matches the look of the female for this genre.
  • Studies photography so knows when something looks good or when she needs to move in a certain way.
  • She shares a lot of the same free periods that I do.
  • Understands how to present herself when I would use different camera angles.

13th November 2014

Blog Entry: 13th November 

Recently I have done more communicating with my location and with the students, adults and my younger main lead after casting them, which I have also recently done, I have published a blog about the different reasons for casting and then I will go on to post their head shots and talk about why I have chosen the people to be characters in my trailer. 


So after looking at the different skills and techniques that I am going to need to include in my trailer I had a look at what products I would need to do this. So  when looking on Amazon during a free lesson I was able to find a large tripod, a gorilla tripod, light diffuser and a backdrop with a black, white and green screen. 

 Konig Traveller Camera Camcorder Tripod

  • when extended can go up to a height of 105cm 
  • folded height is 35cm 
  • weighs 660g
Neewer 43" (110cm) Collapsible / Portable Photographic Lighting Disc Reflector

  • Five surfaces: Gold, Silver, White, Black and Translucent
  • Size open: 43" (110cm)
  • Size collapsed: 15" (35 cm)

  • Outdoortips Black White Green Three Backdrops Photo Studio 2x3m Background Stand Support Photography Set 

    • 2x3m Background Support Stand
    • 3pcs 1.6x3m Non Woven Backdrops(White/Black/Green)
    • Made of high quality aluminum alloy with black matte surface

      • Wednesday 12 November 2014

        Location for Funeral Scene

        The Funeral Scene is going to be located / set in my local church both inside and outside, when I was looking at different places to set I thought about timing and responsibility so when I looked at having it filmed at my local church I ensured Simon Cronk who I have been emailing about filming there that I will be respectful due to the circumstances of the location and I realize that this is a place of worship.

        Email from older lead character

        Email Content:

        Hi Jess,

        I am just confirming that I will be the lead role in your trailer. Thank you for this opportunity.

        Thank you

        Shannon Barlow

        Sunday 2 November 2014

        2nd November 2014

        Diary Entry: 2nd November 

        So after having a look at my blog, I have tried to be posting as much as I can, and have noticed a lack of audience research, before starting to film my trailer, I will go onto my social networking groups and messages and screenshot what has happened and who has replied and post this on my blog in the week coming up, also I have been looking at different ways to do my storyboard, after trying to use pixton and other online storyboard makers, I have found that almost all of them require you to pay in order to have more than six boxes, so for this reason I am going to be drawing them, this shall be posted up on my blog also by mid-week this week coming.